Hi boys, Im Tomás Medina. Today Im going with yours classmates on a trip to Pobeña and Cobaron, so I can´t be with you. But Im going to say what you have to do.

5th and 6th: You have to do two teams. You are going to talk me about the trip you did last week. You know you have to write in a word document. You have to write at least 6 sentences (remember arial 12). Then save (guardar) the document (one team just one doc!) in the "escritorio". We will introduce it in the blog next day. When you've finished, you can play a miniclip webside game. You have to remember the computer you've saved the document.

4th: You have to do two teams. You are going to talk me about football. You can talk me about all you want, spanish teams, famous football players, Spain in Sudafrica, Pujol´s goal, what is your favorite football team,... You have to write it in a word document. One team just one doc!)
You have to write at least 6 sentences (remember arial 12). Then save (guardar) the document in the "escritorio". We will introduce it in the blog next day. When you've finished, you can play a miniclip webside game. You have to remember the computer you have saved the document.

Enjoy it!!!


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